REACH Museum

  • Best Museums in Washington State | The Reach Museum

REACH Museum is the premier cultural destination in southeast Washington that provides a gateway into the understanding of the natural and cultural significance of the Mid-Columbia region. Stories of the region are shared through exhibits, educational programs and events dedicated to inspire learning and understanding of the historic and geologic impact - including the Ice Age Floods that marked this community eons ago.

Learn about the Manhattan Project and its influence on White Bluffs, Richland, Kennewick and Pasco. Enjoy the wondrous scenery of the Columbia River and Badger Mountain. Begin your journey of the Hanford Reach Monument. REACH Museum is located on Columbia Park Trail just off of Hwy 240 on the edge of Richland and Kennewick.

Explore and learn about the surrounding area during your visit to REACH Museum. From the Ice Age floods to the Atomic Age, there is so much cultural and historical importance and impact that shaped the past, establishes the present, and guides the future of the Mid-Columbia Basin region.

Experience REACH Museum through self-guided tours of featured galleries and rotating exhibits inside, to the amazing outdoor area with a garden of local plant species, sculptures designed by local artists that embrace the cultural environment and the amazing view of the majestic Columbia River.


Adults: $10

Students/Seniors/Military: $6

Museums for All: $2 (EBT Card and valid ID for up to 2 adults and 4 kids)

Children 5 and under: Free

REACH Members: Free

ASTC and NARM Members: Free


Phone: (509) 943-4100

Address: 1943 Columbia Park Trail, Richland, WA 99352

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